We are open every Saturday 11am – 3pm. Outside of those hours, please contact us as we’re happy to make the showroom available to you any time, including weekdays, evenings and weekends. You are very welcome to visit for a planned audition or simply to be left alone to enjoy music through any of our systems for as long as you like… and we make a great coffee!
If you wish to occasionally step out of the world of convenience gadgets and enhance your emotional experience with music, we would love to hear from you. Or, if you consider yourself an audiophile, a purist, or someone who’s simply curious to see what’s possible in the world of audio reproduction, let us know. We’d love to meet you!
(open 11am-3pm every Saturday or by appointment any other time)
1300 988 366
9 Clarence Street
East Bentleigh, Melbourne
Vic, 3165, AUSTRALIA